How you can help!
Donate money, Donate Time, Donate Items
Support Us Financially
- COPE is a not-for-profit organization and has a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service, which means COPE is funded by grants available on the Federal and State level, as well as private donations.
- Many times, our clients leave their abusive environments with only the clothes on their backs. Some are lucky enough to have had the ability to have an emergency bag packed and hidden from their abuser, waiting for their opportunity to escape. Therefore, whenever they are able to leave the COPE Shelter, they are literally starting over with whatever items they were able to take with them, or obtain after they arrived at the COPE Shelter.
- Because of the financial needs COPE has in assisting our clients with immediate needs and the financial assistance they will need when we are able to help get them on their feet, every financial contribution helps. Your monthly or one-time donation will be used to assist with COPE’s most urgent financial need unless you designate your donation to a specific project COPE is actively working to fund.
Donate Your Time
- Volunteers are a critical part of the day-to-day operations of COPE. Our volunteers are extraordinary people who give much of their time so that COPE can run smoothly and efficiently. Volunteers contribute by performing a variety of tasks, such as:
- Plumbing
- COPE’S van detailed
- Yard work including planting and gardening
- Shelter cleanups
- Maintenance projects
- Working directly with the women and children in the shelter (this does require 40 hours of advocacy training)
- And much more!
Volunteer General Requirements
- Background Check: A criminal record and reference check will be conducted on all prospective volunteers.
- Qualifications: Ethical, dependable, willing to learn, good communication skills, promptness, and patience.
Donate Items
- Since COPE’s residents often arrive at our shelter with only the clothes on their backs, personal care and household items are always needed.
- Many of the following items from our basic needs list will help build a new foundation for our clients as they begin a new life and a new home.
Basic Needs List
- Aluminum Foil
- Dishwashing Detergent
- Dish Soap
- Paper Towels
- Toilet Paper
- 13 Gallon Trash Bags
- New Towels and Washrags
- Shower Mat
- Diaper Genie Refills
- All Size Ziplocs
- Toilet Bowl Cleaner
- Lysol/disinfectant Spray
- Dish Towels
- Oven Mitts
- Silverware
- Murphy’s Oil Soap
- Fabuloso
- Kleenex
Re-Housing Needs
We re-house people, getting them into their own place is one of our main goals here at COPE, We are always in need of anything to furnish the new homes of our clients such as:
- Beds
- Dressers
- Couches
- Washing Machines
- Dryers
- SMALL tables
- Pots and Pans
- Cooking Utensils
- Silverware
- Kitchen Garbage Can
- NEW items include:
- Linen
- Towels
- Wash Rags
Contact COPE
Office: 417.533.5201
Hotline: 417.532.2885
National Domestic Violence Hotline:
Volunteer Positions
- Hotline Advocate – Provide callers with referral information, emotional support, and safety planning. Provide resources to callers in crisis. (Conduct emergency intakes for women and children.)
- Childcare Assistance – Provide childcare for women during support groups, educational groups, court and doctor appointments. Some of these hours are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings while mothers, both in shelter and out, are attending support group.
- Administrative / Clerical Support – Assist with daily duties including answering office phones, making copies, filing, preparing mailings, maintaining databases, and general office support.
- Legal / Court Advocate – Escort clients and provide advocacy, emotional support, information and referrals as they seek the full protection of Domestic Violence laws. Legal background is not necessary (training will be provided), however, volunteers must be available during normal court hours.
- Life Skills Facilitator – Training / educating clients in life skills, such as; balancing checkbooks, parenting, self-improvement, preparing a budget, basic health care, and dietary needs for themselves and children.
- Building / Yard Maintenance – Assists in general maintenance, such as; painting, carpentry, electrical, general repair, trimming trees, raking, etc.
- Transportation – Provide transportation for clients and their children to and from various locations, such as; doctor appointments, pharmacies, attorneys, school activities, etc. Also, helping clients move, hauling furniture, etc. All transports take place within the agency guidelines governing safety of the client and volunteer.
- Shelter Support / Donations – Provide general assistance to the shelter staff. Tasks may include; organizing shelter facilities, maintaining inventory, assist with picking up, sorting through, and distributing donations received, putting together hygiene care bags, assisting staff on large grocery shopping trips.
- Special Event Support – Provide assistance in preparing and implementing special events for COPE. Some examples are; health fairs, school fairs, and educational booths throughout our four county area. Assistance may be needed on days leading up to events at COPE’s administrative office or on-site at the event itself. Tasks may include; setting up booths, distributing printed material and answering questions about COPE and services.
If you are interested in volunteering with COPE, either call (417) 533-5201 or complete the brief form below and you will be contacted by staff.
Make a One-Time Donation

Set Up a Recurring Donation
Fill out my online form.